University Administration and Shareholder of HdWM

HdWM is subsidised by its supporting organisation, the University of Applied Management Studies gGmbH. Our shareholder and therefore supporter of the university is the Internationale Bund (IB), one of the largest social and education support organisations in Germany. 

Executive Committee

Prof. Perizat Daglioglu, PhD
President, CEO, Head of Teaching
+49 (0)621 490 890-64

Prof. Dolores Sanchez Bengoa, PhD
Vice-President Internationalisation
+49 (0)621 490 890-63

Rüdiger Walter

Shareholders’ Meeting

The Shareholders' Meeting consists of the following:
Internationaler Bund (IB) Freier Träger der Jugend-, Sozial- und Bildungsarbeit e. V.,
Frankfurt am Main; 100% of the business share, represented by
Chairman Thiemo Fojkar

Supervisory Board

Georg Mehl
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Senator e.H.
Vice-president and chairman of the financial committee of the Internationaler Bund (IB)

Harald Denecken
Member of the managing board of the Internationaler Bund (IB)
First Mayor (retired) of Karlsruhe

Thiemo Fojkar
Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting
Chairman of the management board of the Internationaler Bund (IB)
Chairman of the Bundesverband Berufliche Bildung (BBB)

Board of Trustees

Prof. Rupert Felder, PhD
Chairman board of trustees
Senior vice-president – head of human resources, Heidelberg Group/Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Prof. Dr. Martin Allespach

Doris Barnett
Representative of the Federal Bundestag

Thomas E. Berg
Management board member Initiative zukunftsfähige Bildung, long service general secretary of the Leadership Academy of the Federal State Baden-Wurttemberg (retired)

Prof. hc. Elke Berninger-Schäfer, PhD
Associated institute and HdWM partner company as well as honorary professor
Owner and CEO of the Karlsruher Institut

Markus Blümle
Managing Director Corporate Human Resources, RENOLIT SE

Karin Brückner
Head of Netzwerke Heidelberg, Mannheim, Neckar-Odenwald, Sinsheim (regional office of the Netzwerke für berufliche Fortbildung)

Raymond Fojkar, PhD
Fraction Die Grünen, City of Mannheim

Thiemo Fojkar
Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting
Chairman of the management board of the Internationaler Bund (IB)
Chairman of the Bundesverband Berufliche Bildung (BBB)

Michael Fredl
CEO Rala GmbH & Co. KG

Steffen Grimm
Member of the Managing Board and Director HR, Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH

Prof. Wolfram Hahn, PhD
Lawyer, Ministerialdirigent (retired), university president

Frank Höfer, PhD
Chief Operating Officer CBC (Europe) GmbH, Düsseldorf

Peter Körner
Head of HR, HR Manager, CEO, Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH

Bernd Kütscher
Director National Bakers Academy Weinheim

Georg Mehl
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Senator e.H.
Vice-president and chairman of the financial committee of the Internationaler Bund (IB)

Peter Piekenbrock
Chairman CAIRO AG

Liane Schmitt, PhD
Functional manager, City of Mannheim

Werner Sigmund
Honorary president of the EVBB

Christian Specht
First Mayor City of Mannheim

Michael Stops, PhD
Senior Researcher at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

Josef Stumpf
Manager BVMW, District chapter Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar und Technologie Region Karlsruhe

Arnd Suck
Managing Director of Südwestmetall-Bezirksgruppe Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald

Hans-Jörg Tittlbach
CEO, ICS International AG Identcode-Systeme

HdWM Senate

Prof. Perizat Daglioglu, PhD
+49 (0)621 490 890-64

Prof. Dolores Sanchez Bengoa, PhD
Member of the Executive Committee
+49 (0)621 490 890-63

Prof. Michael Cofrin, PhD
Chair of study programme
+49 (0)621 490 890-20

Prof. Birgit Schmitz, PhD
+49 (0)621 490 890-27

Prof. Katja Hanke, PhD
+49 (0)621 490 890-29

Prof. Frank Stäudner, PhD
Chair of study programme
+49 (0)621 490 890-48

Sophia Schulz
Academic staff, equal opportunity commissioner

Rosina Tuttobene
Library, assistant equal opportunity commissioner

Dennis Luca Klemm

Tiffany Robinson